THIS JUST IN: Edgar Wright Leaves ‘Ant-Man,’ New Director TBA

I don’t think ANYONE saw this coming. According to Entertainment Weekly, Wright and Marvel could not agree on the direction the film should take. Marvel Studios and Wright issued a joint statement Friday announcing the news: “Marvel and Edgar Wright jointly announced today that the studio and director have parted ways on Ant-Man due to […]

What if Disney Made a Game of Thrones Cartoon? – Part II [Pics]

We’ve already showed you the first part of this fantastic series of illustrations by artists Fernando Mendonça and Anderson Mahanski depicting Game of Thrones characters as they would appear in a Disney cartoon. Now, the artists have released a second batch of characters for our viewing enjoyment. Edit: And here’s the character from part I: […]

Donate to Charity, and YOU Could Win the Chance to Appear in ‘Episode VII’! [VIDEO]

J.J. Abrams has a very important message for Star Wars fans: Donate a minimum of just $10 to UNICEF through the exclusive “Star Wars: Force for Change” Campaign, and YOU could win the chance to not only fly to England to meet the Episode VII cast but appear in the movie! Abrams — and a […]