We Finally Have Subtitles for R2D2’s Beeps and Whistles Thanks to Eclectic Method

Eclectic Method are an audio-visual team who just went and did something awesome (or hugely sacrilegious depending on how you view certain classics). They added subtitles to the various beeps and whistles of R2-D2 from the Star Wars films. While it may sound like a one-off joke, they give him a bubbling personality and it […]

The Muppets Movies, Ranked from Best to Worst

Warning: Intro is NSFW. Let’s get something straight, right off the jump. All Muppet’s movies are awesome, straight up. Even the ones that may slip up here and there are still movies featuring Muppets, therefore, by default, awesome. But CinemaSins Jeremy did put together a pretty nice list of them Muppet movies ranked from best […]