Phoenix Comicon 2015 [Picture Gallery]

The 15th annual Phoenix Comicon took place at the Phoenix Convention Center in Arizona from May 28-31. Some of the most popular guests this year were Karl Urban, Jason Momoa, Ron Perlman, Alyson Hannigan, Christopher Lloyd, and Katee Sackhoff. But as always, it was cosplayers who took center stage. After the photos (Photographs: William Quiroz […]

Fantastic Animated Short Takes a Look at the Origins of Tomorrowland [Video]

I haven’t seen Tomorrowland yet, and even though people have some mixed feelings about the production, I’m going to go and see it this week anyways. Here’s a deleted scene from the movie taking a look at the origins of Plus Ultra, the organization behind Tomorrowland itself. [Disney Movie Trailers]

Forging Aragorn’s Sword (Narsil from LOTR) in Real Life [Video]

One sword to rule them all! Every other Monday, our team of blacksmiths and craftsman will be building some of your favorite weapons, and some weapons that you’ve never seen before. This week, we’re building Aragorn’s sword Narsil, which was used to forge Andúril, from The Lord of the Rings Trilogy! [Awe Me]

Globosome: The Rise and Fall of an Alien Civilization [Short Film]

In the vastness of space, there’s a a small speck of rock inhabited by the most peculiar lifeforms: Dark little “Globosomes” that start to replicate fast and begin to show signs of intelligence. The film tells the story of the rise and fall of these little creatures. This film is inspired by the special times […]