11 Funny Hand Drawn Video Game Cover Art Found At GameStop [Pics]

Occasionally, when you shop for used games at game stores, you see titles which had their cover art damaged by the previous owner and replaced by someone who’s not always super talented Here are 10 funny hand drawn video game covers someone stumbled on at GameStop. I’ve added a few which look amazing too, just […]

Cyber Magician Performs with 24 Quadcopter Drones [Video]

From Illusionist Marco Tempest: My latest production, utilizing autonomous drones, quadcopters, flying close to and around my body like a flock of trained birds. As legislation about the use and safety of flying drones is being debated around the world, this is a timely demonstration. Working with Daito Manabe, Motoi Ishibashi and their team at […]

Upcoming Star Wars Novel Tells the Story of Princess Leia Between Between ROTJ and The Force Awakens

I’m sure you’ve all wondered about what happened to Princess Leia, now known as General Leia Organa, between ROTJ and “The Force Awakens,” and now, thanks to an upcoming novel, you won’t have to wonder anymore. The book finds her as a high-ranking senator in the New Republic. However, Leia realizes something is awry. We […]