Embrace Your Geekness Day Plans? [Open-Thread]

Pretty much every day is Embrace Your Geekness Day here at Geeks Are Sexy, but July 13th is the official holiday set aside by the folks at wellcat.com, who have 80+ Wellcat Holidays to “celebrate life and its many quirky moments.” The suggested celebratory activities: Into dungeon games, comic books and doing vampire dress-up? Spend […]

The [GAS] Father’s Day Gift Guide

Father’s Day is June 19th and we know you’re still scrambling around trying to find the perfect gift, but that’s okay! Don’t panic. These are some of our favorite collectibles, quirky finds and fan gear, perfect for any geek guy. The Jayne Cobb Hat Everyone who loves Firefly knows about Jayne’s hat, and Ma Cobb’s […]

Arnold Schwarzenbunny: Giant Rabbit Fossil Found

Scientist recently discovered that a rabbit as large as the Easter Bunny actually existed. Although it didn’t poop candy or give people type 2 diabetes, it was over six times the size of nature’s current cuddly little throw pillows. A recent study published in the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology reports that fossils of these tubby […]