Lenovo’s Mega Touchscreen PC (and TV?)

Windows 8 is coming and it’s bringing with it touchscreen computing. Of course, touchscreen computers aren’t anything particularly new – I believe HP has had one for ages. The difference is that the actual system is going to be built for it – Windows 8 is going to be designed for touch screens. And Lenovo […]

The 140-Character Novel: Famous Authors Try Their Hands at Twitter Fiction

Hemingway made famous the six-word story with his oft-quoted “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.” But is ultra-brevity a form we can expect to see more often now that being on Twitter is more popular than not? The Guardian rounded up 21 famous authors and asked them to give the 140-character story a go. Hari […]

LEGO Releases ‘TMNT’ Sets!

While April O’Neal, Casey Jones, and Bebop & Rocksteady are clearly lacking, the rest of the gang is all here! NOTE: Only Leonardo, Michelangelo, Dogpound, Foot Soldier, and The Krang are currently available in the $60 “Shellraiser Street Chase” set. Raphael,Donatello (who was always my favorite), and the rest will be available in future sets. […]