Massive Megaman X community Album from Overclocked Remix

Without a doubt some of the most enduring video game music comes from the Mega Man franchise. So prepare yourselves because with 62 tracks, 5 discs, 49 artists, and 4 1/2 HOURS of music, you should be overdosing on awesome from the remixes from Mega Man X1-X8, called Maverick Rising, that was just released by […]

Space Travel Could Cause Visual Problems

News that long-term space travel can risk causing damage to vision may dampen enthusiasm for future trips. The University of Texas Medical School in Houston has run MRI scans on 27 astronauts who’ve been on either the International Space Station (pictured), a NASA shuttle, or both. The scans found that: with nine astronauts, the cerebospinal […]

Beer Venn Diagram + Entertainment for Beer Geeks [Pic + Videos]

For all you beer geeks out there… because beer = science! Where malt, water, yeast, and hops meet, magic happens. And since we’re already on the subject of beer, here’s a short video demonstrating a technique that will help you pour that perfect pint of Guinness you’re all looking after. And finally, here’s a video […]