Space gets a true universal dock

Computing has the USB cable. Analog audio visual equipment (in Europe at least) has the SCART lead. High definition has the HDMI cable. And now the International Space Station has its own standard plug/socket combo. Five international space agencies have agreed a standard for the docking system used when spacecrafts dock in space stations. While […]

Another Tablet Has Landed: Samsung Galaxy Tab Available from Verizon November 11

While the iPad has been the mover and the shaker of the tablet world since its launch, there have been many rumors and unanswered questions about other tablets entering the market. Some have come and gone with little fanfare, others have been but speculation. Now, Samsung’s Android-based Galaxy Tab is hoping to rise to the […]

Wednesday Geeky Pics: Halloween Costumes for Kids

It’s almost Halloween! And though many of you are working out last-minute costumes for yourselves (and here are some ideas if you’re still stumped), some of you might be more worried about what the geeklets will be wearing while trick-or-treating. There’s nothing like being a kid at Halloween – and especially being a geeky kid […]