Cut down on the Friendfeed noise with Noiseriver

By Mark O’Neill
Contributing Writer, [GAS]

With Twitter’s downtimes becoming less and less of a joke, lots of people are migrating to Friendfriend. I’ve been at Friendfeed for quite a while now but the site suffers from the same problem that most aggregation services suffer from – excessive noise.

No, I don’t mean Led Zeppelin being played at full volume or the screams of passionate love making. What I mean is lots of duplicate entries cluttering up the page – yes, that kind of noise! This can be a big problem if you’re on Friendfeed and you’re following several hundred people. If someone posts the same link several times, it can be enough to get you unsubscribed – and it’s easy to do. If you digg a link, then stumble it, then add it to your Delicious account, then talk about it on Twitter, then blog about it….there’s 5 identical links right there.