Big Birdman: Sesame Street Does Brilliant ‘Birdman’ Satire

Sesame Street has really upped their game over the last few years. Adding pure satire and parody that is clearly aimed at parents more than the children. Recently, they did a spoof of the brilliant Michael Keaton masterpiece, Birdman, and though you will have to have seen the movie to understand how well it fits, […]

What It Would Be Like If Presidents Acted Like Frank Underwood from ‘House of Cards’

House of Cards on Netflix is a pretty intense show, headed by a pretty intense guy. Frank Underwood played by the brilliant Kevin Spacey is a political figure unlike we have ever seen represented. And he loves to monologue at the camera. So what if other presidents were more like him? Well, as you can […]

Inflatable Cat Gives Small Dog The Scare of His Life [VIDEO]

Cats and dogs have a very strange relationship. Though dogs are often bigger and stronger, some will see a cat and pretty much lose their minds. That, my friends, is exactly what happens here when this adorable dog going for a stroll notices a massive, inflatable, black cat, poised as if it’s ready to strike. […]

This ‘Fox and the Hound’ are Best Friends (Just Like the Disney Movie)

There is nothing more adorable than seeing two animals who clearly are supposed to be enemies in nature being best friends in real life, and that is just what you have here. Much like the beloved Disney movie The Fox and the Hound, these two met and just hit it off instantly. They’re supposed to […]

Man Deals With Breakup By Artistically Taking His Ex Out of His Life Using Photoshop

Breakups suck. That is something most people can universally agree upon. In our current world of social media it is even worse because, often, we wear our relationships on our sleeves through the photos and statuses we share. One man named Matthew Swarts had a bad breakup recently and found moving on difficult, so he […]