Are you a student? Get Windows Server 2008 R2 for FREE!

Free Windows 2008 ServerHey Students! Are you currently taking, or planning to take, IT classes? Then this is an offer you won’t want to miss. Thanks to their DreamSpark program, Microsoft is currently offering Windows Server 2008 R2 to eligible high school and college students… for free! You do need a Windows Live ID and a valid student e-mail address, but then you can download an OS installation disc image file. WS 2008 R2 is based on the Windows NT 6.1 kernel – the same kernel as in Windows 7, with a similar user interface. This OS normally costs $1029, so it’s a hell of a deal.

[Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard Edition]

WTF: Burger King is offering a Windows 7 Whopper in Japan

Available for only 1 week and priced at ¥777, or about $8.55 USD, this 7-patty Whopper is currently offered to Japanese customers to commemorate the launch of Windows 7.

Edit: Apparently, the fine print on the bottom of the picture says that only the first 30 customers each day will get the Whopper at that price. The rest will unfortunately have to shell out ¥1,450 ($17.10) in order to put their hands on the monstrosity.

[Via Engadget]

Remembering: The BBC Micro

BBC Micro

Last week I wrote about the first computer I ever owned, the Sinclair ZX81. My next step in the computing journey came with the opposition: Acorn’s BBC Micro.

The story of the BBC’s origins was at the heart of the recent Micro Men drama. To cut it short, Acorn won the battle over Sinclair to get the contract to produce a computer branded with the British Broadcasting Corporation. Thank to this, the Micro was given national advertising through its inclusion in the shows The Computer Programme, Making the Most of the Micro and Micro Live. With BBC backing, the machines were also in hot demand among schools.

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Goby: The Search Engine for Getting Out of Your Chair

Goby Search Engine

Now, I’ve got admit, when I heard about Goby–the search engine designed to match your interests with current events in your area, or any area for that matter–I quirked a bit of an eyebrow. What’s this now? Do we really need another search engine, let alone one that tries to fill a rather specific niche? Granted, I’ve been frustrated in the past looking for local events, and found most of our regional newspaper sites to be severely lacking. But a whole search engine for the sole purpose? Not sure I buy it.

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New Intelligent Speed Bump Retracts for Vigilant Drivers

Most people find speed bump irritating. For those with a heavy foot, these bumps can have all sorts of undesirable effects on your car. But, when you have kids and live on a street where people speed, you realize the necessity..

Enter the intelligent speed bump by Mexico’s Decano Industries. With this clever new technology, Decano’s speed bumps will retract themselves automatically for cautious drivers who are going “slow enough”. And these safety devices aren’t even that expensive at $1500 a piece.

[Via Dvice]

Twitter and the Oprah Effect

By Casey Lynn
Contributing Writer, [GAS]

twitterAccording to the latest Pew Internet survey, one in five of you want to tell everyone what you’re up to in 140 characters or less. More specifically, 19% of Internet users are posting status updates on Twitter or another service (I would imagine that Facebook is the runner-up, with others trailing by a mile).

One unsurprising statistic about Twitter users: they’re young. Or at least, the 18-29 demographic marks the largest percentage; 33% of U.S. adults in that age group use Twitter. And another “duh” moment: people who use other social networks (like Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.) are more likely to tweet than those who don’t. Also more likely: those who have wireless access or multiple mobile devices.

Okay, so a lot of “duh,” but one interesting note in the report was the distinct jump in Twitter usage over the past six months. The 19% stat is up from the 11% found in both December 2008 and April 2009.

You may remember what happened to Twitter in April; Oprah happened. So could the jump in all those status messages be partly due to the Oprah Effect? After all, if she can sell a book, she can probably sell a social network.

Oh, and by the way, I was right; my mom did start using Twitter, back in April. That’s +1.

[Image Source: mallix (CC)]