When Disney Princesses Go Into Battle [Pics]

Not only is Gladzy Kei a super talented cosplayer, she’s also an incredible artist! Check out these beautiful illustration she drew picturing various Disney princesses as if they were ready to go into battle. Some cosplayers have also inspired themselves from her designs (including Jessica Nigri) to create costumes. Now how awesome is that?






[Source: Gladzy Kei on Facebook | Gladzy Kei on Deviantart]

Dorkly Comic – Geek Conventions: Then vs. Now [Comic]

In this comic, Julia Lepetit from Dorkly takes a look at how things were at conventions just a few years ago versus how they are now.


Yep, that pretty much sums it up. My advice: get in as early as possible. Once you reach lunchtime, the con floor is going to be so pact that even people who are not afraid of being trapped in an elevator will start freaking out.

[Source: Dorkly]

Board Game Week: 3 Picks To Start Your Game Night


Continuing our week of board games articles, with an emphasis on gaming groups, here are some suggestions for great starter games. By ”starter game” I’m talking about the first game you play at a session, often while people are still arriving. For me, a good starter game needs to meet several criteria:

  • It’s relatively quick to play.
  • It’s simple to learn, preferably with rules you can learn while actually playing.
  • It doesn’t lend itself to analysis paralysis (players taking too long to make decisions), ultra-competitiveness or rules arguments, all of which are not a good first impression for first-timers.
  • It can cope with people joining in midway rather than have newcomers feeling left out.

One of the favorites at the group I attend is Pickomino, also known as Heckmeck. It’s a simple game of rolling up to eight dice, keeping all the dice of one value (1 to 5 or a worm, also worth 5) and rerolling, at which point you take all the of the same value (but not one you’ve already taken.) You then repeat until you can take no more dice (at which point you go bust), take a tile from the center that’s at or below your total, or take a tile from another player of exactly the same value.

The beauty is that this (and the few other rules) can be learned from watching other players take their turn and it’s always simple to explain the options a player has at any point. While there’s a disadvantage to joining in late, it’s a game where building up a lead doesn’t always last, so even latecomers have a decent shot of pulling back a victory.

On a similar note, Zombie Dice is even simpler yet surprisingly compelling. Players simply roll three dice, which can be brains, feet or shotgun blasts. You keep all brains and blasts and have the option to reroll the feet (drawing up new dice to make sure you always roll three.) Red feet are more likely to go bad when rerolled, orange are middle and green the most likely to produce a good reroll. You keep any brains you have when you decide to stop rerolling; if you ever get three shotgun blasts your turn ends and you take no brains. Once somebody has 13 brains, you finish the round and the player with the most wins.

Again, there’s a disadvantage to joining in late, but one way round this is to simply give a newcomer whatever the average number existing players have already collected. Even if you don’t do this, the rule about finishing the final round means remaining players have the incentive to go for broke and our group has seen some amazing last-ditch totals.

I also couldn’t miss the starter game at the first session I ever went to, namely Fluxx. It’s a card game available in numerous themed editions, but in every case the key is that both the rules for which cards you can play and exactly how you achieve the win are constantly changing because the cards themselves lay out the rules. It has a big disadvantage in that a game can just as easily end in a couple of hands or go on seemingly forever, but it does mean a new arrival can start playing instantly with no disadvantage and grasp the rules in a couple of seconds – before they change, that is.

If you’ve got any suggestions for greater starter games, please do share them in the comments below!

The Tiny Fish That’s Changing Modern Medicine [Science Video]

In this fantastic video from The SciShow, host Michael Aranda tells us all about the Zebra Fish, a small fish that helps scientist better understand how diseases can develop in human beings.

The little fish Danio rerio holds secrets to understanding how vertebrates develop, how diseases like cancer work, and how we might one day learn how to regenerate human heart tissue.

[Source: SciShow]

Can you solve the prisoner boxes riddle?

Can you solve the prisoner boxes riddle? Watch the video and find out!

Your favorite band is great at playing music…but not so great at being organized. They keep misplacing their instruments on tour, and it’s driving their manager mad. Can you solve the brain-numbing riddle their manager assigns them and make sure the band stays on their label? Yossi Elran shows how.

[TED Ed]

Mont Saint-Michel Monastery and Fortifications as Seen from a Drone + 360° Experience [Videos]

Mont Saint-Michel as seen from a drone. Watch as a supertide turns the historical landmark into an island. I’ve also included some interactive 360° footage of the “island” at the end of the post.

From Wanaii films:

(Please note that the man is French, so the English description of the video (below) is not perfect, however, the footage is pretty darn spectacular!)

For the story, i leave closed to the Mont Saint Michel (40Km), it’s a magic place, especially when you are going there in the winter, or really early in the morning. You can be alone, enjoying the place.

The sand around Mont Saint Michel moved, so if nothing was done, in few years Mont Saint Michel would have been ending in the middle of a field and not any more in the sea.

So they start some work to let the Mont Saint Michel in the sea, and 20 years later it’s now almost finished.
January 2015, we had some big tide in France, so it was one of the first time that the Mount was going to be an island again.

I ask all the drone permit to do it at the big tide, and few weeks later i got all the paper.

I was following closely the forecast, and at the beginning of the week it was just storm and rain… and finally two days before the “D “Day, the Weather forecast somehow became super nice, clear, no wind at all, super cold.

So the first morning i went there at 5am, walk all the way to the Mount, and wait at the bottom. The water came slowly, and the Mount became again an island, it was very intense, the sun came out, few people were there, and i had a strong feeling to be privileged. I start the drone, and enjoy as much as i could.

[Wanaii films]

When the Galaxy Note 7 Meets GTA V [Video]

Modder @HitmanNiko took the good old fashioned sticky bombs you can find in Grand Theft Auto 5 and replaced it with a Samsung Galaxy Note 7. For those not aware of it, the Galaxy Note 7 was recently everywhere in the news because some units started spontaneously bursting into flames shortly after purchase. Boom.

[Source: Modded Games | Via The Awesomer]

What Makes Men Brave [Comic]

You might think that some men are braver than others, but what makes them really brave is something you probably don’t expect, a little like the brain-controlling parasitic fungus that can control ants.


I shall protect you, my darling!

Have you noticed that the mustache has a small mustache? That’s pretty badass. Like, badass squared.

[Source: Things in Squares Comics | Like “Things in Squares” on Facebook]

Debate Wars: Episode I – The Political Menace [Video]

My pal David Unger from DUM has turned the famous Anakin vs. Obi Wan fight on Mustafar from Star Wars episode III into a parody of the first presidential debate that took place last week. I laughed out loud after seeing Yoda’s reaction at the end of the video. His comment reflects quite well the position of many people who live in the U.S. right now.

[Source: David Unger Music | Like “David Unger Music” on Facebook]