1,969-Piece Meter-Tall NASA Apollo Saturn V Rocket (Back in Stock at Regular Price!)

Introduced a few months ago, the 1,969-piece one meter tall LEGO NASA Apollo Saturn V Rocket was an incredibly popular Lego set and quickly become an incredibly sought after kit and was selling with some huge markups online. For those interested, the rocket is now back at regular price ($119.99) on Amazon.

Initially proposed as a LEGO Idea project by LEGO enthusiast saabfun, this LEGO Apollo Saturn V Rocket was recently unveiled as an official LEGO kit. Just like the real Saturn V rocket, which is the biggest and most powerful rocket NASA has ever made, the LEGO model is an impressive one too, measuring 1 meter in lenght (1:110 Scale.) The kit also comes with the Apollo lunar lander, a lunar orbiter, and a few astronauts.

[LEGO Ideas Nasa Apollo Saturn V 21309 Building Kit (1969 Piece)]

Closer to a Cure: Combating Alzheimer’s With New Compute Technology

The human brain remains a complex mystery. But, if we dare to dream big—and have the proper tools and data to fuel those ambitions—we may one day discover cures for diseases as devastating as Alzheimer’s. At the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE), more than 1,000 neuroscientists are using the latest technology to identify biomarkers that can predict the onset of Alzheimer’s. Using HPE Memory-Driven Computing architecture, researchers have the ability to identify patterns within vast collections of data 100x faster than ever before, accelerating progress towards finding a cure.

[Great Big Story]

Interesting Gift: The Sundial Ring


This ring is based on the original sundial ring Queen Eleanor gave to her husband, Henry II of England in about 1152. On a cloudless day, hold the ring upright aligning one of the 3 reference lines straight up. Rotate the sun dial until the hole is next to the current date (month of the year and beginning/middle/end of the month) A beam of light illuminates the time on an inside clock scale. Calibrate by using the reference line that works with your latitude – northern cities will use a different line than southern ones. The 3 reference lines allow Daylight Saving Time adjustments as well. Made from VERY durable stainless steel, acid etched markings.


[The Sundial Ring – Available on Amazon.com]

The Tragedy of the Commons: A Pattern of Human Behavior That Leads to Humanity’s Biggest Problems

Is it possible that overfishing, super germs, and global warming are all caused by the same thing? In 1968, a man named Garrett Hardin sat down to write an essay about overpopulation. Within it, he discovered a pattern of human behavior that explains some of history’s biggest problems. Nicholas Amendolare describes the tragedy of the commons.

[TED Ed]

“I Find Your Lack of Cheer Disturbing” Darth Vader Holiday Sweater

Search your feelings, you want one, you know it to be true!

You’re the life of the party, and you just want to make sure that everyone else is filled with good cheer – or else! Command that your fellow party goers be filled with mirth and joy with this Darth Vader ugly holiday sweater. Featuring Darth Vader’s helmet, a holiday pattern including the Imperial insignia, and the words “I find your lack of cheer disturbing.” It will put everyone around you into the holiday spirit… or else.

[Darth Vader Lack of Cheer Holiday Sweater]