1,969-Piece Meter-Tall NASA Apollo Saturn V Rocket (Back in Stock at Regular Price!)

Introduced a few months ago, the 1,969-piece one meter tall LEGO NASA Apollo Saturn V Rocket was an incredibly popular Lego set and quickly become an incredibly sought after kit and was selling with some huge markups online. For those interested, the rocket is now back at regular price ($119.99) on Amazon.

Initially proposed as a LEGO Idea project by LEGO enthusiast saabfun, this LEGO Apollo Saturn V Rocket was recently unveiled as an official LEGO kit. Just like the real Saturn V rocket, which is the biggest and most powerful rocket NASA has ever made, the LEGO model is an impressive one too, measuring 1 meter in lenght (1:110 Scale.) The kit also comes with the Apollo lunar lander, a lunar orbiter, and a few astronauts.

[LEGO Ideas Nasa Apollo Saturn V 21309 Building Kit (1969 Piece)]

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