Hexbot: A Versatile All-In-1 Desktop Robot Arm For Everyone

The Hexbox is a versatile all-in-one robot arm that can turn your desktop into a workshop. The arm can draw, laser engrave, and even 3D print, allowing you to bring your ideas to life!

The first versatile desktop robotic arm with extreme 0.05mm high repeatability that turns your desktop into a workshop. Designed for makers, designers and anyone who wants to bring their ideas to life. Hexbot helps you to draw, write, laser engrave and 3D print in the easiest way possible.

The Hexbot Kickstarter has already raised nearly 1 million dollars on an initial funding goal of $50,000! Now how amazing is that?

[Hexbot: A Versatile All-In-1 Desktop Robot Arm For Everyone]

In the Fridge: A Supercut of Movie Characters Opening Up Their Refrigerator

A fun supercut taking a look at various movie characters opening up their refrigerator and looking around inside.

From Roman Holiday:

Although this montage in it’s current state is fine and dandy, to me it’s still quite incomplete. That’s why I’m asking you (YES YOU!) to give me a hand. This video’s been a long time coming. It’s been hard finding these particular shots from inside refrigerators because they aren’t plot-specific. They could be in any kind of movie.

So here’s the deal: If you know of any other shots like these from films please let me know in the comments or drop me a message. I’ll give you a credit in the final version of the montage for your troubles.

[Roman Holiday | Via LS]

Course: Beginner Full Stack Web Development (138 lectures & 25.5 hours of content)

Go from zero to full-stack hero a you create web projects with HTML, CSS, React, Node, and more! 138 lectures and 25.5 hours of content for just $19.99 instead of $200 (90% off.)

This single course is the ultimate web developer bootcamp. Your one-stop shop to learn both front-end and back-end development. Through this course, you’ll go from absolute beginner to competent full stack web developer in a matter of weeks. Thinking about getting into coding? Here’s where to start.

Beginner Full Stack Web Development$200 $19.99

There’s a Really Cool Stan Lee Tribute in World of Warcraft! [Video]

We’ve seen countless tributes to Stan Lee since the legend has passed away back in November 2018, and now, the folks at Blizzard have added another one in World of Warcraft via Patch 8.1.5. If you want to find Stan, head over to Stormwind Keep where you can see him walking around, occasionally waving and saying “Excelsior!”

[Wowhead | Via GT]