DEAL: The Complete Beginner’s Guide to Animation Bundle – $24.99 (95% Off)

Get 17+ hours of instruction on using key Adobe tools like After Effects, Illustrator & Premiere Pro with “The Complete Beginner’s Guide to Animation Bundle” to become a pro animator!

What’s included:

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-Using an Editing Software for Animation
-Direct & Produce Animation
-Character Design For Animation in Illustrator
-Adobe Illustrator Essentials for Character Design
-Backgrounds & Assets for Animation in Photoshop
-Sketching for Animators Who Can’t Draw
-Make Money With Animation & Design

The Complete Beginner’s Guide to Animation Bundle$549.92 $24.99 (95% Off)

Doctor Who Flashback: 11th Visits Amy & Rory For Christmas [Video]

Here’s a nice Christmas scene from The Doctor, The Widow and The Wardrobe, the Doctor Who Christmas special that aired on December 25, 2011. I miss Matt Smith as the Doctor! Can’t wait to start watching the latest season featuring Jodie Whittaker!

The Doctor pays a surprise visit to his friends Amy and Rory, on Christmas Day.

[Doctor Who]