Shawicon 2019 – Cosplay, Passion and Simplicity at Its Best


This weekend, your Geeks are Sexy team was in a wonderful little French Canadian town covering the fourth edition of Shawicon in Shawinigan, Quebec.

This small gathering of very passionate people was the perfect blend of cute cosplays and local artists. No flea-market style tables here!

In this intimate setting where supporting local talent was prioritized, friends gathered to try VR, hold a huge lan party and just have a good time drinking the amazing Trou du Diable local microbrewery beer!

Thanks to our new friend Nino Mancuso for organizing Shawicon 2019! What a great idea to include wrestler Road Warrior Animal, Gerald Home from Return of the Jedi (with whom yours truly got a selfie! Fangirl alert!!!) and many French-speaking celebreties including our favorite Star Wars superfans Jef & Kim, all-around good guy and tech journalist Denis Talbot, comedian Jean-Thomas Jobin, the Quebec chapter of the 501st Legion, part of the Quebec Viking Cosplay clan and so many more!

Here are our favorite cosplays of the weekend!

Movie Poster Remakes vs. Originals [Video]

James Verdesoto, the movie poster artist behind iconic posters such as Pulp Fiction, Girl, Interrupted, and Training Day, break down the poster designs between movie remakes and their originals. Take an in-depth look at the movie posters for Ocean’s 11, Godzilla, A Star Is Born, Beyond a Reasonable Doubt, and Suspiria.

[Vanity Fair]