Making Baby Yoda with a 3D Pen [Video]

Artist 3D Pen Lab spent about 100 hours to create this very detailed “The Child” (aka Baby Yoda) figure with his 3D printing pen.

My name is Aratz, I am a sculptor based in the Basque Country and I work with 3D Printing Pen and plastics as my medium. I have been creating sculptures and figures for around four years. …let’s make Baby Yoda with 3D Printing pen!

Also, be sure to check out his awesome Venom figure below!

HASBRO Unveils Complete Line of “The Child” Baby Yoda Toys

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Sure, we’ve all been dissapointed by the lack of official Baby Yoda merchandise for the holidays, but now, thanks to HASBRO, we now know what to expect when their new line of “The Child” toys ship in May! And you can even pre-order them right now!

Behold the new line of “The Child” merch from Hasbro, which include a Black Series figure, an adorable electronic squeezable plush with sounds, and a bunch of super cute mini figures:

Star Wars The Mandalorian The Child 7 1/2-Inch Electronic Plush Toy

Star Wars The Black Series The Mandalorian The Child Action Figure

Star Wars The Mandalorian Baby Bounties Soup and Blanket Mini-Figures
Star Wars The Mandalorian Baby Bounties Frog and Force Mini-Figures
Star Wars The Mandalorian Baby Bounties Hold Me and Ball Mini-Figures

Star Wars The Mandalorian The Child 6 1/2-Inch Action Figure

IT EXISTS: Vegan Christmas Dinner in a Can for Gamers

Believe it or not, GAME, a well-known tech retrailer in the UK, has been making the Christmas dinner in a can since 2013. The idea was that instead of spending time with actual people eating their Christmas dinner, some gamers just wanted to eat in a hurry and get back to playing as quickly as possible.

The original “Christmas Tinner” (pictured above) contained 9 seperate courses, all stacked in layers to optimize the order of consumption. Here’s a review of the original can:

Unfortunately, if you were a vegan gamer, you were out of luck since the can contained animal products. But now, the company has just unveiled their new vegan version!

From Metro:

There’s vegan gravy, mushroom wellington, pigs in aubergine blankets, tofu and stuffing, as well as your go-to winter veggies including squash, sprouts, and parsnips.

Each of those layers sound pretty good, it’s just the aspect of it being crammed into a cylinder that might (definitely) alter the tastes and textures.

There’s also a dessert layer, including vegan custard and choccy cake. Which raises the obvious question, are festive feasters meant to meticulously section off the dessert portion, or simply enjoy a bit of sweetness with every savoury bite?

All that for just £2! Looks… *ahem* … yummy, right?