Move over TinyURL, here comes TinyPaste

By Mark O’Neill
Contributing Writer, [GAS]

Here’s one for all you wordy blowhards out there who go totally nuts at Twitter’s 140 character limit, yep all you people that think that Tolstoy’s “War and Peace” is just a bit of casual light reading for a Sunday afternoon.

If you absolutely love to write on and on without any kind of restraint whatsoever, you now can! TinyPaste will give you a free text box in which to write your huge masterpiece unhindered and without any character limits. You can then post it online wherever you want.

WiFi Hits the Road with New Car-Based Networks

By JR Raphael Contributing Writer, [GAS] The road trip is about to be revolutionized. Chrysler has just introduced an in-car WiFi system that’ll let you surf the net while on the go. Uconnect Web — unveiled at a company event in Detroit today — will be available for all Chrysler, Jeep, and Dodge models by […]

Could Gmail Become a Corporate Solution?

By JR Raphael Contributing Writer, [GAS] Gmail is taking new steps toward becoming a large-scale client solution. In what’s billed as one of the world’s largest Gmail rollouts ever conducted, an Australian school system is dumping its Outlook setup in lieu of a completely Gmail-based e-mail system for its 1.3 million students. The transition — […]

Phone in your Twitter messages with Twitterfone

By Mark O’Neill
Contributing Writer, [GAS]


I have always been a bit of a sucker for new toys and gadgets, especially ones on the internet and Twitterfone is now officially “my new toy”. The invite code has been sitting in the wreckage that is called my email inbox for the past couple of weeks now and it was only today that I finally got around to activating the code and seeing what Twitterfone was all about. As soon as I did so, I got that gleam in my eye and my girlfriend said to her friend who was around, “uh, oh, I know that look…..I’ll never get Mark off the computer now!”

So what is Twitterfone all about?

Official : Kim Jong-il does NOT use Firefox

By Mark O’Neill Contributing Writer, [GAS] Mozilla has a nifty looking downloads map which breaks down all the Firefox 3 downloads country by country.  Download Squad previously commented that Turkmenistan was letting the side down with seven downloads but they must have seen the article and got all embarrassed because they suddenly picked up speed […]

Social Networking for Gadget Lovers

By JR Raphael Contributing Writer, [GAS] Need a second opinion before you make your next electronics purchase? A new social network called PEBuzz (Personal Electronics Buzz) hopes to help. The site, launched about a month ago, features user-generated reviews and opinions on everything from high-end TVs to random gadgets. The site lets you set up […]

Court rules your boss can’t read your email & texts

By Mark O’Neill Contributing Writer, [GAS] In a landmark ruling, a US federal appeals court has declared that employers are not allowed to read employees work emails and text messages without getting a warrant first. But the ruling only applies to situations where the company outsources its email and texts to an outside company and […]