Science Is Sexy: Will Nanobots Save Us From Cancer?

By Jimmy Rogers (@me) Contributing Writer, [GAS] By now, everyone and their mother has heard of nanotechnology and how it is either going to save us or obliterate us in a sea of gray goo.  What exactly IS it, though?  Well like microbiology, the field is too vast to describe effectively beyond “things happening on […]

Science is Sexy Tidbit: Just Add Water [Video]

Rotifers: Tiny animals that survive against all odds, known for not having sex for around 80 million years. In the following video, award-winning Cambridge researcher Alan Tunnacliffe drains 90% of the water in their microscopic bodies, heat some of them to the boiling point and then freezes them in liquid nitrogen, to later observe that […]

Neil deGrasse Tyson: What NASA Means to America’s Future

During a presentation given at the University at Buffalo, a student asked renowned astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson for his thoughts on U.S. federal cutbacks to NASA funding. while you may or may not be American, I think Tyson’s answer should be (as always) heard by everyone and gives new insights on what can happen if […]

Crumbling Biosphere 2 Looks Like the Something the Dharma Initiative Left Behind

I remember all the news about Biosphere, back in the early 90s when I was in elementary school. There was something so hopeful about it, so pioneering and unusual. We followed the stories of the people inside, and talked about self-sustaining ecosystems on the moon or planets not yet discovered. For a budding sci-fi geek, […]