Apollo engines return while Voyager departs

There’s a double dose of news for space craft enthusiasts this week. Newly published analysis suggests Voyager 1 has hit one of its last milestones before exiting the solar system, while Amazon boss Jeff Bezos has succeeded in recovering two of the engines that helped launched man to the moon. We’ve already covered the basics […]

For Saint Patrick’s Day: The Chemistry of Alcohol and Hangovers [Video]

As you know one of the biggest binges of the year, St. Patrick’s Day, is right around the corner, so here’s a video that gives people a little insight into the causes of the painful morning after a night of heavy drinking. There’s a lot of chemistry at play when drinking booze, whether it be […]

Cameraphone works as makeshift microscope

A Canadian specialist in infectious diseases says he found some success in using a modified iPhone to diagnose worm infections in Tanzanian children. But Dr Isaac Bogoch says the results aren’t quite reliable enough yet. The main way to diagnose worms is to examine stool samples for eggs. They are around 40 to 60 micrometers […]

How Camouflage Works in Cephalopods

When marine biologist Roger Hanlon captured the first scene in this video he started screaming. Hanlon, senior scientist at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, studies camouflage in cephalopods–squid, cuttlefish and octopus. They are masters of optical illusion. music by DjCode, Best of Breitband, footage courtesy of roger hanlon, produced by flora lichtman. [Source: […]