Stephanie Kwolek, Inventor of Kevlar, Dead at 90

Stephanie Kwolek saved countless lives — and you may not even know it. Stephanie Kwolek saved countless lives — and you may not even know it. An employee at the DuPont Company, Kwolek invented the lifesaving Kevlar, the lightweight, yet bulletproof, fiber used in body armor around the world. According to KTAR: Kwolek made the […]

What Does Sound Look Like? [Science Video]

Seeing sound waves as it’s travelling through the air is actually possible thanks to a clever technique called Schlieren flow visualization. Schlieren flow visualization is based on the deflection of light by a refractive index gradient The index gradient is directly related to flow density gradient. The deflected light is compared to undeflected light at […]

The Longitude Prize: What’s The Biggest Scientific Challenge Today? ($16 Million Could Be Yours!)

Two British organizations are offering $16 million to the person who can best solve a scientific challenge. And it wants the public to vote on which of six challenges most needs a solution. The Longitude Prize is being funded by the Technology Strategy Board (a semi-independent government agency) and organized by Nesta (a charity.) It […]