Jurassic World Trailer [Video]

Well, it seems some folk just don’t learn… The idea of the movie being based on “real” dinosaurs is gone (possibly for merchandise licensing reasons), and the plot seems to come down to “something something genetic modification something” but if you’re looking for the ultimate in special-effect-laden summer blockbuster, 2015 looks to be sorted already.

Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko… Sings The Beatles

Amazing video by Andrew Huang who recreated the music of the Beatles’ Across The Universe using nothing but samples of the audio recordings of Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko made by the Rosetta probe. The track is part of a forthcoming album that Andrew is producing which will also include eight original compositions using the Rosetta samples.

Black Mage Village (Final Fantasy IX) Theme Song Done Multi-Track A Capella [Video]

From Diwa de Leon: Black Mage Village is one of those tracks that take a little time to grow on you, but once it has, you’re stuck with it forever! This is one of my most favorite Final Fantasy 9 tracks, and in my opinion a great way to kickoff Final Fantasy 9 month! [The […]