Guardians: An Upcoming Russian Superhero Movie [Trailer]

Set during the Cold War, a secret organization named “Patriot” gathered a group of Soviet superheroes, altering and augmenting the DNA of four individuals, in order to defend the homeland from supernatural threats. The group includes representatives of the different nationalities of the Soviet Union, which each one of them have long been hiding their […]

Artist Mashes Up Classic Music Album Covers With Star Wars Characters [Pics]

Check out these amazing illustrations by artist Steven Lear that blend various Star Wars elements (characters and objects) into the covers of classic music albums such as The Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd, In Utero by Nirvana, and a lot more! Une photo publiée par WhyTheLongPlayFace (@whythelongplayface) le 7 Juin 2016 à […]

Epic Middle Earth Blu-ray Set Has Epic Price

The Tolkien movies seem to lend themselves to collector editions, but the latest version goes to a whole new level – with a jaw-dropping price. Released under the title “Middle Earth”, the standard Theatrical Versions Collection is simple enough: the three Hobbit and three Lord of the Rings movies on Blu-ray with no extras, with […]

7 Famous Movies That Actually Make No Sense At All

Plot Holes or unexplained questions are nothing new to Hollywood blockbuster, but sometimes, a movie’s logic problems go a lot deeper than dangling plot threads. Sometimes, the movie itself doesn’t make sense, since it’s plot holes are so obvious, audiences are guaranteed to wonder if the filmmakers are trying to trick them. Here is our […]