The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Rap “Get It Together” from Beastie Boys in This Amusing Mashup [Video]

The cast of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as The Beastie Boys, Q-Tip, and DJ Hurricane, rapping the classic “Get It Together”. Starring Master Splinter as Q-Tip, Raphael as Adrock, Donatello as Mike D, Michelangelo as MCA, and Leonardo as DJ Hurricane. Warning: Language. [isthishowyougoviral | Via LS]

BANDERSNATCH: A Possible “Choose Your Own Adventure” Black Mirror Feature-Length Film on Netflix [Trailer]

Here is the first trailer for Netflix’s upcoming feature-length Black Mirror film, Bandersnatch, which is set in 1084 and is rumored to be an interactive “Choose Your Own Adventure” movie. Here’s the official synopsys: In 1984, a young programmer begins to question reality as he adapts a sprawling fantasy novel into a video game and […]

Doctor Who Flashback: 11th Visits Amy & Rory For Christmas [Video]

Here’s a nice Christmas scene from The Doctor, The Widow and The Wardrobe, the Doctor Who Christmas special that aired on December 25, 2011. I miss Matt Smith as the Doctor! Can’t wait to start watching the latest season featuring Jodie Whittaker! The Doctor pays a surprise visit to his friends Amy and Rory, on […]

Vader Episode 1: Shards of the Past – A Star Wars Theory Fan Film

Anakin Skywalker is DEAD. For eight months, the mysterious Darth Vader has enforced the Emperor’s commands. Fighting between the loss of Padme, and the new cursed life he now leads, Vader must do what must be done when a surviving Jedi Master from Order 66 has lured him to the home planet of his late […]