How To Make A Real Rorschach Mask That Changes Shape

Using Thermochromic paint pigment and clear screen printing base, you can now make an ink blot mask that changes like Rorschach’s mask in Watchmen. As you breath in and out, the color of the mask changes from black to white wherever the wearer’s breath hits it and warms it to a point above 86 degrees […]

AMAZING Tie Advanced X1 Starfighter and X-Wing Paper Snowflakes [Pictures]

I’m taking just a minute of my time tonight, between 2 glasses of wines… or 3… or 4… to post these AWESOME paper snowflakes that Geeks are Sexy reader Zombielove74 just sent in via email a few minutes ago. We figure that you guys have prolly been inundated with this recently, but my roomie and […]