Browncoat Anthem: the Firefly/Serenity Rap [Video]

Shiny. This fan-made Firefly rap won’t make it to the radio, but for fans of the Joss Whedon’s best show ever, it’s nothing short of awesome. Curse you Fox, for your sudden but inevitable betrayal. YouTuber ActorPat‘s hope is that”one of the stars might see it, and want to make a true music video” so […]

Symphony of Science: Children of Africa [Video]

We’re big fans of the Symphony of Science series here at [GAS]. The latest installment, “Children of Africa”, follows the rise of humankind from the moment “in a parched African landscape Man first put his foot to the ground” until they “flung themselves and their machines into interplanetary space.” A musical celebration of humanity, its origins, […]

Featured Short: Ollie Klublershturf vs. The Nazis [Video]

Ollie Klublershturf vs. The Nazis is directed by Skot Bright and written by Damon Lindelof (Lost). The film stars Chris Hemsworth, George Segal, Lainie Kazan, Norman Reedus, Rachel Nichols, Samm Levine, and Zach Mills and is an off-the-wall comedy set around the dinner table. What at first glance seems like an awkward ‘meet the parents’ […]