Original Pokémon Fan Brings Complete 1999 Pokémon Collection to Antiques Roadshow

Here’s a segment from Antiques Roadshow featuring a lady whose mother bought her a full base set of Pokémon trading cards back in 1999 for $35. Now, according to the appraiser in the video, the set is worth between $5,000 and $10,000. Unfortunately, the value of these cards is very volatile, so if the woman […]

Mad Inventor Colin Furze Creates “Weightless” Parkour Machine

Inventor Colin Furze, in partnership with Warframe, built a weightless flying machine that allows him to do parkour and fly just like the characters do in Warframe! Check it out in the video above, and if you are curious about how he built the thing, you can watch the built process below! [Colin Furze | […]