Lose Weight While Working With the Fitdesk

In recent years, I’ve seen plenty of homemade solutions where enterprising geeks have tried combining the necessity of earning a living with the joy of having a great workout. There’s plenty of videos of people using treadmill/stationary bike/workdesk combos on YouTube with unfortunately inconsistent degrees of effectiveness. Three weeks ago, after Googling about a “professional” […]

Smartphones Putting Pedestrians in ER

We hear a lot of debate about the balance between personal freedom and the dangers of distracted driving when it come to smartphones. But now it appears those dangers are becoming an issue for pedestrians. The Associated Press reports that, based on reports from 100 emergency rooms, an estimated 1,152 people needed hospital treatment in […]

Stanley is a Piano that Takes Requests over Twitter

Twitter has a really varied clientele, from well communicating social media junkies right down to those very same social media junkie’s dogs. But now an inanimate object hopes to communicate with its followers with the gift of music. @StanleyPiano is a unique Twitter account connected to a piano. A player piano. A Player Piano is […]

Your Soul in Your Sole

Developers at Autonomous ID, in partnership with researchers at Carnegie Mellon University have set up the “Pedo-Biometrics Research and Identity Automation Lab” to create sensors in footwear that can find out all about who you are. Christened “BioSole”, a device that Autonomous ID has been working on since 2009 is supposedly able to identify your […]