What Is The Best Geek Gift You Got (or Gave) for Christmas 2016?

One of the coolest things about writing for a long-running geek site is, the readers are loyal. The ones who read 5 years ago still tend to be reading, and that makes GeeksAreSexy more of a community than just a website. So seeing as to how we are all geeks and we are all friends, I thought it might be cool to start a thread about who got the coolest geek gift this Christmas.

What did YOU get that you know would make other geeks jealous? Or even better, did you GIVE the perfect geek gift? And if so, what was it? All I can throw into the mix is this matching set of Nerf guns I got my queen and I so we could engage in nerd warfare around the house. Pretty legit but hardly a winner.

What about you?!
Let us know in the comments below or on our Facebook page!