Whovians Rejoice: A Line of Doctor Who-Themed Mr. Men Books Coming Soon


Growing up I loved the Mr. Men books series. They were simple, colorful stories that catered to all kinds of personalities, from the shy to the outgoing. Growing up I also always loved Doctor Who, so to see someone has mashed the two together makes me a very happy Whovian.

Ever wondered what the myriad incarnations of everyone’s favorite Time Lord would look like in the world of Roger Hargreaves’ classic children’s books? Wonder no more.

Random House has announced a new partnership with the BBC that will see each of the 12 incarnations of the Doctor get their own Mr. Men book, penned and illustrated by Hargreaves’ son, Adam.

If you are curious how the names will work, all the Doctors are still getting their Doctor titles, but the books will be Doctor First, Doctor Second and so on. Below is a visual example of Doctor Fourth.


My inner child and my (semi) grownup adult self are high-fiving each other so hard right now.

[Story, images I09]

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