Why You Really Should Be Playing ‘Life Is Strange’


Life is Strange is not only a game many are not playing, but a episodic game a great many people still know very little about. I can admit I was one of them, until I looked into it a bit and found some more information on this surreal (yet strangely real) world.

From Kotaku:

At the beginning of the second episode, shy photography student Max awakens in her dorm room to the sound of Alt-J, and there’s no hurry to get up. You can lie there with her for as long as you want, while the song plays in the background. Later, there are ample moments for reflection; opportunities to sit with Max in an oddly beautiful junkyard, her back up against a tree stump, just looking around and listening to the wind and the birds. I rarely do this in my real life. I should make more time for it.

The idea of a game that forces you to sometimes slow down and appreciate simple moments (the slow down line being used as poor wordplay for her powers, by the way, because she learns to rewind time in the game) is something we all could use, seeing as to how we rush through our daily lives now. Just might have to give this Life is Strange “game” a shot after all.

[Life is Strange]

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