‘Archer’ To Get Line of Action Figures and Plush Toys

Factory Entertainment has partnered with FX Networks to create a line of Archer collectibles! The Plush Line will include Pam’s dolphin (not a euphemism), Lana, Archer, and the Baby Seamus. The Action Figure Line will begin with Archer, followed by other characters to be released at later dates. There will even be a Motion Statue Line, […]

‘XBox to kill used game market’ rumors return

A year after the rumor first surfaced, a major games magazine is insisting the next generation XBox won’t allow for used game sales. Edge magazine reports “sources with first-hand experience” as saying that although the new Xbox will support physical media, Microsoft wants downloadable games to be the priority. As a result, the new Xbox will […]

Nothing Says “I Love You” Like These Superhero-Themed Valentine’s Day Cards

Finding the right Valentine’s Day card can be a tricky sport. With so many ways to express your undying devotion to your lady love or favorite mountain man, what is the best way to truly say, “I love you?” Well, don’t fret! The Epitome of Comedy’s Never Ending Dick Jokes has a cache of nerdy […]