“Reasonable Offers Considered”: HALO Warthog Replica For Sale [Pic]

Using the body of a 1983 Land Rover Defender 110, Peter Cooper built an actual HALO Warthog for the fan film he was directing, called “Operation Chastity.” And now he’s selling it. So far, he hasn’t named a price, simply saying “reasonable offers considered.” To see photos of the Warthog from start to finish, click […]

Bid On and Buy Concept Art from the Whedonverse! [Pics]

Any geek even casually acquainted with the Whedonverse would recognize the name Shawna Trpcic. Trpcic is responsible for much of Whedon’s character & costume design for Buffy, Firefly, and Cabin in the Woods. Trpcic has now begun posting her original sketches and costume concepts on eBay for fellow fans to bid on. When you compare […]

Apple map bugs take a turn for the worse

Apple’s notorious iOS6 maps have turned from amusingly inaccurate to downright dangerous according to Australian police. They say a location blunder has left some motorists stranded in a national park. Stories of people blindly following mapping and GPS services and winding up in completely the wrong place have been commonplace, particularly when the technology took […]