This Guy Deserves a Pad on the Back

Don’t you love it when the world just works?

This guy works at a restaurant part-time while doing his degree. A semi-regular customer – who this guy had only talked to about 3-4 times about how the customer was doing an aeronautical engineering PhD – came in and left a package for him, telling him that this had helped him with his studies and that he wanted him to have it.

Judging by the size and weight, he thought it was an old textbook or something. Lo and behold, he opens it up later, when the customer was long gone, and this was what he beheld.

And for the cynics out there, this is a guy that I know personally, so I know he’s telling the truth and this actually happened (it was on his Facebook wall first).

If only more people were as kind as this anonymous customer. Random acts of kindness FTW.

[Via Reddit]