“Man of Steel” Villainess Cast

General Zod now has a Faora for the upcoming “Man of Steel.” Zack Snyder’s take on Superman will feature actress Antje Traue in the role.

So, who is Antje Traue? She was born in January 1981 in Mittweida, Germany. She started in musical theater, touring Europe with the lead in International Munich Art Lab’s “West End Opera.”

From there, Traue moved on to German film and made-for-TV movies until 2008, when after several auditions and test shootings the actress played her first lead opposite Dennis Quaid and Ben Fosters in “Pandorum”, directed by Christian Alvart.

Though there are many incarnations of Faora in the DC canon, Variety speculates Traue will play the version that debuted in Action Comics #779, wherein Faora is “an orphan metahuman with the ability to disrupt molecular bonds, which allowed her to create a mutagenic virus that served as the linchpin of Zod’s plan.”

What say you, Geeks? Is Antje Traue right for the role of Faora?

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