Meghan Hetrick Brings the Hotness to Marvel [Pics]

Meghan Hetrick is the creative genius behind these Dangerous Divas miniature watercolor covers. The sketchcard artist recently debuted her line of Marvel minis (by Rittenhouse Press) and is quickly rising in the comic art ranks. At 2.5 x 3.5 inches, the museum quality works are pint-sized but impressive. Check out the full gallery on Meghan’s […]

Swimming Magnetic Gels [Video]

Professor Miklós Zrínyi of Semmelweiss University in Budapest, Hungary, has invented a magnetic gel which can be shaped in various forms and then moved using magnetism. Soft magnetic materials like this one could be used for artificial muscles in robots, or to replace rigid machine components, such as valves. Other teams are also working on […]