Old Spice Voicemail: “I’m On a Phone.”

I love it when the Internet makes stuff happen. Thanks to reddit, there’s now a voicemail generator at oldspicevoicemail.com. Whether you’re “ripping out mass loads of weights” or “on Reddit,” there’s a personalized message for you. Note that though as of this writing the voicemail is appropriate for a guy’s phone, there should soon be […]

Geeky Twists on Classic Games

While standing around and waiting at the happiest place on earth with really long lines, our group eventually got tired of playing  “what’s that smell”, had already decided which 3  books we’d take to a desert island, (Starship Troopers, Lamb: the gospel according to Biff Christ’s childhood best friend, and The Hobbit) , and had […]

Wednesday Geeky Pics: Imperial Stormtroopers in Spain

These photographs were taken by [GAS] reader Eva at an event in Santiago de Compostela, Spain in May, to commemorate the 30th anniversary of The Empire Strikes Back. Imperial Stormtroopers took over the city, marching through the streets and ending victoriously with a carbonite-encased Han Solo and a speech from Darth Vader. And of course […]

Walmart bundle confirms $60 tag for Kinect games

Microsoft’s motion control system Kinect won’t be released until early November, but Walmart has become the first store to take pre-orders on bundles with games. The deal reveals that the games won’t be cheap. While several retailers, including Microsoft, are taking pre-orders on the device itself at around the $150 mark, Walmart is offering the […]

19 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Star Wars

Since being released in 1977, Star Wars has remained one of the most influential sci-fi films of all time. It has spawned three prequels, two sequels, TV and Internet-based fan films, books, and countless toys. Despite the vast amount of information available online about the famous franchise, there still might be some things about Star […]