New PlayStation Move Commercial Makes Fun of Wiimote, Project Natal

Remember Sony’s sex toy Move controller we told you about last week? Well folks, the company has just released an ad promoting the “Move”, and unsurprisingly, it takes a jab against Nintendo’s Wiimote and Microsoft’s Project Natal. A few funny quotes from the commercial: “Because real boxers don’t hit like this [flails arms exasperatingly]” “It’s […]

Featured Animated Short: Logorama

Directed by French animation collective H5, Logorama was initially presented at the Cannes Film Festival last year and won a 2010 academy award under the “animated short” category. Up until a few months ago, the movie was available everywhere online, but it quickly got removed from all the sources it was hosted on. Now, “Human”, […]

Facebook Surpasses Google This Week… Sort Of

You may have noticed that Facebook isn’t exactly my favorite social media network. There are 100 reasons not to like Facebook, but now I have another one. According to the Financial Times, Facebook traffic has just surpassed Google. Over the last year the company has seen phenomenal growth, especially among the baby boomer crowd. But […]

When “Friends” are Feds

A secret document has revealed US government officials have so many programs of agents working undercover on social networking sites that they have had to create a coordination program. The Electronic Frontier Foundation obtained the document under freedom of information laws. The document, “Obtaining and Using Evidence from Social Networking Sites” is authored by the […]