F-Secure’s Internet Security 2009 Beta

Anti-virus products from large corporations are becoming so bloated.  With features like backup solutions, password managers, anti-phishing, anti-spam, and application scanning firewalls, products that were intended to protect your system only tends to bog down it down.  Even as a security professional, I would prefer to not run an Anti-Virus product that is all-encompassing like that on my personal system because of the performance degradation it causes.  Of course, this is highly a risky behavior and is not recommended in today’s threat environment of buffer overflows and drive-by malware downloads.

But F-Secure has had a long history of being a slimmed-down, fast product with excellent detection and protection capabilities.  And unlike other companies like McAfee and Symantec, corporate giants who gobble up other companies, and then inject new products into a protection suite whether you want it or not, F-Secure has remained dedicated to honing their AV solution.

If you want to give the product a test drive or if you are tired of the usual bloated AV products, click here to signup for the beta.

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