‘Beyond the Brick’ Lego Trailer Will Leave You Smiling

Beyond the Brick is the kind of movie fans of Lego have been waiting for their whole lives. While Lego Movie was a wonderful and fun experience, this is different entirely. This movie chooses to focus on the makers, lovers and believers in Lego. Whereas Lego Movie was great fun, Beyond the Brick looks like […]

A Social Network Designed To Help Fight Depression

One big problem right now with social media is the fact that many of us use it and end up being depressed because we compare our lives to the inaccurate lives we see show up in our feeds. So what if someone became aware of that problem and wanted to create a social network that […]

Napkin Art Starring Famous Robots and Cats From Pop Culture [Pics]

This really speaks for itself. It is illustrations of famous robots from pop culture with famous cats from pop culture, all done on napkins. The artist’s name is Nina Levy, and her site is Daily Napkins, where she draws doodles on napkins daily for the joy of her two children. In this particular series, she […]