Destroy Build Destroy Teaches Kids how to Blow Up Stuff

Destroy Build Destroy is a new TV show premiering June 20th on Cartoon Network. It features two teams of kids blowing up stuff, building new things out of the remaining parts, and then blowing them up again! And we’re not talking about small-scale explosions here… oh no!

Sounds fun doesn’t it? Although I’m not sure having a show like this on a children network is such a good idea. It might encourage some kids to try doing similar experiments at home, which could lead to potentially disastrous situations. Fortunately, TNT and Rocket launchers are pretty hard to come by in most suburbs!

What are your thoughts on this? Do you think airing such a show is irresponsible from a network whose primary audience is children?

[Via Laughing Squid]

Epic Mountain Dew WOW-Themed Ad

In order to promote their new Warcraft-themed sodas, Mountain Dew released a new commercial featuring two attractive ladies fighting each other in a super-market.

Oh sure, this kind of thing happens all the time at my local Ralph’s. Telegenic women prepping for a night in with their Horde or Alliance main by stocking up on soft drinks, then attempting to murder each other in their true forms is commonplace in the greater Los Angeles area. So this incident is nothing new to me.

[Via Kotaku]

Opera to reinvent the web – web waits for fat lady to sing

By Sterling “Chip” Camden
Contributing Writer, [GAS]

In the David vs. Goliath battle of the browsers, Opera has always played the part of the mosquito – it preys on both of the major contestants, but it doesn’t eat much (although it has chewed out a nice niche in the mobile browser market).  You’ve got to admire them for having the guts to go up against Microsoft, Mozilla, Apple, and now even Google.

Well, it appears that Opera’s hubris knows no limits.  Now they’re promising to reinvent the web, on Tuesday.  I can’t help envisioning a to-do list:

  • Sunday:  mow the lawn, fix broken down-spout
  • Monday:  pick up the cleaning, dentist appointment @2PM
  • Tuesday:  reinvent the web

Yeah, that’ll take all day.

Opera's reinventing the web

Seriously, though – that’s about all they’re saying on the subject – apart from a cryptic narrative in their Twitter stream that duplicates a comment in the page source for the announcement:

We start our little story with the invention of the modern day computer.

Over the years, the computers grew in numbers, and the next natural step in the evolution was to connect them together. To share things.

But as these little networks grew, some computers gained more power than the rest and called themselves servers.

Today, millions of people are connected together in a great web …

Tom Clarke speculates that this new innovation may have something to do with cloud computing, since the image on the site (shown above) displays a lightning bolt in the clouds.  He further guesses that it may have something to do with sharing more data across devices (bookmarks, cookies, history, etc.) via the cloud.

I think the folks at Opera might be even more ambitious.  I’m expecting something that runs in the browser and interacts with the cloud in ways that go beyond the traditional HTTP client/server architecture of the web as we know it (including Ajax).

Tomorrow at 9AM CEDT (1AM EDT), we’ll find out whether my prophecy proves proficient, or if I was hoodwinked by their hype.

Palm smartphone carrier at the end of its tether

Palm has “politely” asked a website to block users discussing how to use its latest smartphone to provide internet access to a computer. It’s a sign of how cautious the firm is to avoid upsetting Sprint, with which it has an exclusive carrier deal.

The Palm Pre launched earlier this week to generally strong reviews. It’s the first Palm device to run a Linux-based operating system, which inevitably made it much more likely users would try out unofficial tricks and tweaks.

One such use for the phone would be tethering. That’s where users adapt the phone so that it can effectively act as a mobile modem for a computer, usually a laptop. The primary advantage is that users can then get internet access for the computer anywhere they can get a phone signal, rather than having to be near a wireless access point. In some cases it can also mean cheaper internet access, or allow the user to overcome usage limits.

There’s no firm evidence at this stage that anyone has managed to use the Palm Pre for tethering. However, the issue had already come under discussion by users of Pre Dev Wiki, a site devoted to unofficial tweaks to the device. That’s come to a sharp end, with the site noting:

“We have been politely cautioned by Palm that any discussion of tethering during the Sprint exclusivity period (and perhaps beyond—we don’t know yet) will probably cause Sprint to complain to Palm, and if that happened then Palm would be forced to react against the people running the IRC channel and this wiki.”

The Sprint element is the important point. Palm themselves are probably not that concerned about people tethering the Pre – if anything, it’s a useful (unofficial) selling point. But they have an exclusive deal with Sprint to be the network carrier for the phone for a set period after launch (reported as six months).

The Sprint deal helps finance the phones being sold at a much lower price than would otherwise be possible (likely below cost price): Sprint gets new service customers, while Palm gets to sell more handsets. The problem comes when Sprint finds its network being clogged up by people running their laptops through the Palm, particularly considering they are more likely to use data-hungry features such as streaming video on a machine with a larger screen.

Apple has found itself in a similar situation, having to crack down on so-called ‘jailbreaking’ of iPhones to allow unauthorized uses such as tethering a laptop to an AT&T cellphone network connection.

Pew Pew Pew – Because Lasers Make Everything Better

Well gentlemen, it’s Monday, meaning most of us are back to work, and probably all feeling depressed about it. So here’s a little something to improve your mood.

Just for the record, I just bought $10,000 worth of Solar Gard Window Films. What? Me, influenceable? Nahhhhh, of course not!

…sorry ladies, no hot guy firing lasers in this post for you.

[Via Geekologie]

WTF Monday: A Chair Designed for your Genitals

The Divided Salli Saddle Chair is a chair designed with the comfort of your genitals in mind. It features a gap in the middle to take pressure off your sensitive parts. If you’re listening to this at work, please lower the volume of your speakers, as the video contains a few words you wouldn’t want everyone around you hearing.