World’s Fastest Internet Comes To… Minneapolis


Minneapolis is to get what’s being billed as the world’s fastest broadband connection, a whopping 10 gigabits per second.

The service is available to around 30,000 homes and businesses in the city and is provided by US Internet. It already provides a gigabit service but has now flipped the switch to increase that ten-fold.

Although available to consumers, it’s probably mainly going to be taken up by businesses as it costs $399 a month. That’s great value on a per-megabit basis (the existing gigabit service is $65), but only if you plan to use it all.

The service offers the same speeds for uploads and downloads, so it seems the most likely target would be a business that deals with transferring very large files, has a lot of Internet users, or a combination of the two. At the moment only a “couple [of] thousand” people subscribe to the gigabit service, so the new package is likely to be a niche product for now.

Although this appears to be the fastest service offered commercially, a test project earlier this year did manage to achieve sustained transfers of 1.4 terabytes per second over a 255 mile cable. That involved some major tweaking to reduce the virtual space between the various transmission channels used over cables.

That’s not to say the new US Internet service is too shoddy however. 10 gigabits per second is fast enough that in theory at least you could download the content of a single-layer Blu-ray disc in 20 seconds.

[Image credit: Bobak Ha’Eri via Creative Commons licence]

Last Minute Gift Idea: Gift Cards With Instant Delivery


If you’re still looking for the perfect little something to send to a loved one and are out of time (or if you’re simply too far from them,) why not send these people an online gift card with instant delivery?

Here are a few ideas:

Amazon Gift Card with Instant Delivery (Email)

AMC Theatres Gift Cards – E-mail Delivery

Ghirardelli Chocolate Company Gift Cards – E-mail Delivery

TGI Fridays Gift Cards – E-mail Delivery

Dominos Pizza Gift Cards – E-mail Delivery

Whole Foods Market Gift Cards – E-mail Delivery

Sephora Gift Cards – E-mail Delivery

The Cheesecake Factory Gift Cards – E-mail Delivery


These Cosplayers are Feeling Very Festive for the Holidays [Picture Gallery]


A fantastic series of pictures taken at Holiday Matsuri 2013 and 2014 by Eddie from Papanotzzi, an amateur photography-type guild focused around Anime & Sci-Fi/Comic conventions. Holiday Matsuri is an annual festively-themed Anime & Gaming convention located in Orlando, FL.

[Pictures Source: Papanotzzi on Facebook]

Google Completes Self-Driving Car Prototype


Google has published photos of its first “complete” prototype of a self-driving car. It hopes to test it on public roads next year.

The first mock-up of the company’s vehicle was unveiled back in May but was missing several key features, most notably headlights. Since then Google has built a range of test vehicles, each of which had a different combination of components designed to test a particular feature.

The prototype shown this week is the first that has everything in place and effectively creates a fully-functional vehicle. The design, with soft visual features, curves, and something resembling a face, is partly intended to make drivers of other vehicles more relaxed and less stressed when driving near it.

Ironically the Google car can be adjusted to display different levels of aggression (or, looked at another way, caution). For tests on real roads, the cautiousness will be at the max.

One person who’s been on a test drive noted that the mental adjustment to an automated car is surprisingly easy and if anything the driving is overly-calm (the car is limited to 25 miles an hour.) He also noted that among the various tools the car uses to track location and surrounding objects, the most impressive was a radar beam that meant the car braked to avoid a cyclist coming from out of sight behind a hedge.

There were some bugs however, most notably the car getting stuck in a feedback loop with a pedestrian who appeared to be weighing up whether to cross the road.

Google plans to take advantage of California laws that allow testing of self-driving vehicles on public roads. The rules say the company must have a driver in the car to take over if there’s a malfunction. There’s also a mandatory $5 million of liability insurance.

The Astronomically Correct “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” Song [Video]

This is the best science-themed adaptation of a regular song EVER.

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Astronomically Correct Twinkle Twinkle is a beautifully illustrated astronomy lesson written in verse. Learn about black holes, why stars actually twinkle, and more in this fun, educational retelling of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.
