There are Now Jumbo Personal Autonomous Drones in China [VIDEO]

First, SpaceX lauched Starman’s Tesla in space, and now this. What a crazy fun week to be alive.

From CNN:

Chinese company Ehang offered a glimpse this week of what could lie ahead, releasing its first video of passengers climbing aboard its autonomous drones and taking off with the push of a button. (…) Ehang says it first managed to carry passengers in its drones back in 2015 and has since racked up at least 40 successful journeys. It hadn’t shared footage of the flights publicly until this week.

From Ehang:

On February 6, EHANG announced that the EHANG 184 Autonomous Aerial Vehicle has achieved a series of manned flight tests carrying one and two passengers, including EHANG CEO and all executives, as well as many Guangzhou government officials.

[EHANG | Via BB]

This Jigglypuff Game Controller is an Abomination

Sure, costum gaming controllers are usually fun to look at and unique, but this Jigglypuff themed GameCube controller is something in an entirely different category. Behold:

Based on concept artwork by Samstrojny, the controller was made by SmashproofGC and Design_OOS.

I especially like this tweet by @SmashproofGC:

[Via Kotaku]

Legs [Comic]


If Ariel wants legs, let’s just give her what she wants. Who cares about the type of legs she gets, even if they come from a crab. Crab legs are delicious after all, especially snow crab leg.

A comic by the always entertaining “Dingo” from Electric Bunny Comics. If you like what she does, be sure to follow her over at her website and various social media profiles (all linked below.)

[Source: Electric Bunny Comics | Like “Electric Bunny Comics” on Facebook | Follow “Electric Bunny Comics” on Twitter]