This LED Space Fleece Blanket is Made of Star Stuff

A cool new product from Thinkgeek: The LED Space Fleece Blanket!

A ThinkGeek creation, this blanket shows an astronaut in the foreground, a blue planet reflected in the helmet. And across the purple star-spangled sky, 18 stars in particular flash on and off. Since astronomical scintillation is going on, we’re going to assume you’re viewing this blanket from Earth’s atmosphere. Or, well, someplace with atmosphere. We hope they have couches there, too, cause that’s what this is perfect for.

[LED Space Fleece Blanket]

Superheroes Without Special Effects Look Super Silly [Video]

From Brent Lindeque:

The power of visual effects continues to allow film makers to push their visions of what superheros are capable of doing but what happens when you take that away?

Superhero films and series are rife with incredible action scenes, and everybody gets in on the fun. Of course, for these scenes, the majority of the fighting sequences are loaded with CGI — we can’t actually have Thor or Hulk destroy half of New York City. Also, Thor and Hulk don’t actually exist. That we know of.

But take out the CGI from the equation and you’ve still got, well, something entertaining — just not in the way Marvel or DC would of wanted.

[Brent Lindeque | Via Reddit]

50 Interesting (And Useful!) Facts About Japan

From Rachel and Jun:

Lists of facts about Japan are almost always half misleading or straight up inaccurate, and half basic facts that everyone already knows. (Did you know JAPANESE VENDING MACHINES?!) So we’ve been trying to collect interesting facts about Japan that are actually true for years, and we finally reached 50!

[Rachel and Jun]

Thor’s Old Roommate, Darryl, Survived Thanos’ Snap [Video]

Remeber Darryl, Thor’s old roommate which we featured a few times on GAS in the past? It appears that the man survived Thanos’ snap! In the video below, he wishes Thor a happy birthday, which strangely enough, seems to be on the same day as Chris Hemsworth’s birthday!

[Daley Pearson on Twitter]