How Do Self-Driving Cars “See”?

It’s late, pitch dark and a self-driving car winds down a narrow country road. Suddenly, three hazards appear at the same time. With no human at the wheel, the car uses smart eyes, sensors that’ll resolve these details all in a split-second. How is this possible? Sajan Saini explains how LIDAR and integrated photonics technology make self-driving cars a reality.

[TED Ed]

Ottawa Comiccon 2019 Cosplay in Pictures – Part II

As mentioned earlier this week, we were at Ottawa Comiccon 2019 last Saturday, and as promised, here is our second batch of pictures for the event! If you see your cosplay below and want the full quality picture, be sure to send us an email via the contact section above the site! Next event: Montreal Comiccon in July! See you guys there!