A Real Live Version of The House from My Neighbor Totoro [Gallery]

Somewhere in Nagakute, Japan, Hayao Miyazaki’s son, Gorō Miyazaki, had a real-live version of Satsuki and Mei’s house from Studio Ghibli’s My Neighbor Totoro built! As you’ll see in the pictures below, the house is nearly identical to the one seen in the movie!

The house, located in Aichi Commemorative Park, was actually designed by Hayao Miyazaki’s son Goro, who happens to make films, too. However, due to copyright issues, Totoro never actually appears in the park, despite an uncanny resemblance to the mascot of the exposition. Although the World’s Fair of 2005 ended fifteen years ago (oh my god), in 2006, the house was re-opened for the public to visit.

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Harley Quinn’s Birds of Prey Gets the Honest Trailer Treatment [Video]

In a world where Warner Brothers wishes Jared Leto never existed. in fact, where all suicide squad was a lie. Forget it ever happened. The one part you liked about the film has been plucked from an early grave and given her own squad. It’s the Honest trailer for Birds of Prey!

[Screen Junkies]