This Hellboy “Hell Water” Cinnamon Whiskey is 66.6 Proof

XXX Distillery and Prestige Imports, in partnership with Dark Horse Comics, have just released a 66.6 proof Hellboy “Hell Water” cinnamon whiskey. Yep, no jokes, it truly is 66.6 proof. For those interested, you can buy a bottle right here for $19.99. Hellboy Hell Water is small batch naturally flavored cinnamon whiskey. It is micro-distilled, […]

Artist Makes Terrifyingly AWESOME Cthulhu Mugs

Artist and Etsy seller KachaktanoMugs creates handmade beer and coffee mugs, and if you’re a fan of anything that comes or is inspired by H.P lovecraft or Cthulhu, you’ll love what you’re about to see. Holy. Crap. Right? These are ABSOLUTELY gorgeous, and considering how much work goes into making them, they are actually pretty […]

How to Prepare Homer Simpson’s Patented Space Age Moon Waffles [Video]

Homer Simpson revels in combining food and drink with wild abandon: every liquor in the house set aflame with cough syrup, skittles floating in beer, tomatoes cross-bred with tobacco. Few, however, are as heartbreakingly realistic as the H.S.P.S.A.O.O.T.W.M.W. Strip down to your undies, strap on an apron, and let’s clog some arteries. [Andrew Rea]

How to Make a Deku Tree Pie-Scraper [Video]

From @ThePieous: Hi there! I’m back with another Piescraper video tutorial… this time Zelda-themed. I’ve been kind of obsessed with Hestu and the Koroks since learning what their little golden “Korok Seeds” actually are… In addition to being a Piescraper (pies that go “up”), this design has an extra engineering twist – a foil armature […]