PS4 Game Trailers Already Online [Video]

After yesterday’s announcement that the PS4 would likely be launched right before the 2013 holiday season, Sony posted a bunch of HD game trailers for the new console. We’ve posted them all for your enjoyment below. Killzone Shadow Fall: DriveClub: inFAMOUS: Second Son: Knack: The Witness: And lastly, a compilation: Edit: And here’s Unreal Engine […]

Google Glass: How it Feels [Video]

Want to see how Glass actually feels? It’s surprisingly simple. Say “take a picture” to take a picture. Record what you see, hands free. Even share what you see, live. Directions are right in front of you. Speak to send a message, or translate your voice. Get the notifications that matter most. Ask whatever’s on […]

Meteorite explodes in the sky above Chelyabinsk, Russia + Neil deGrasse Tyson’s Prophetic Response [Pic + Videos]

For those not aware of this yet, a meteorite exploded in the sky over Chelyabinsk, Russia earlier today, causing multiple windows to break (because of the sonic boom) and injuring over 500 people in the process. here are a few videos of the event: And here’s Neil deGrasse Tyson’s prophetic response that was posted just […]

AWESOME New Geeks are Sexy T-Shirt: SCIENTIA POTENTIA EST (Regular and Lady Fit)

For science! Scientia Potentia Est! Knowledge is power in Latin, a homage to the early scientists of history. Available in regular and lady fit. Be sure to use Promo Code “geeksaresexy” to get 10% off from your order! –Scientia t-shirt (Regular) –Scientia t-shirt (Lady)

Harlem Shake Super Compilation [Videos]

You’ve all heard about that new Internet phenomenon called the “Harlem Shake” right? In case you haven’t, here’s a quick description: In contrast to the earlier dance move Harlem Shake, an internet video craze started in 2013 that used the song Harlem Shake by Baauer. The videos usually depict a masked individual doing the Harlem […]

Poutineville’s Heart Attack Poutine is the Queen of all Poutines

The Heart Attack Poutine

While every region has its own particularities when it comes to food that could eventually lead you to a heart attack, here in Quebec we’ve got something called “poutine,” and amongst poutines, the Heart Attack from Poutineville is the Queen of all poutines. You see, the Heart Attack is a 15-pound mess of fries, chicken, […]

Super Bowl Movie Trailers: Oz, Iron Man 3, Star Trek: Into Darkness [Videos]

Hey geeks, instead of doing three posts for the three trailers, I decided to combine them into one. Here are the movie trailers for Oz: The Great and Powerful, Iron Man 3 and Star Trek: Into Darkness that aired during the Super Bowl yesterday. Enjoy! Oz: The Great and Powerful Iron Man 3 Star Trek: […]

PS4 Announcement Expected February 20

After years of waiting, we could be less than three weeks away from getting official confirmation that the Playstation 4 is coming. Sony has announced a press conference in New York for February 20 that will address “the future of Playstation.” It hasn’t officially confirmed this will be where the announcement takes place (which would […]

Turning Boiling or Hot Water into Snow at -13°F (-25°C) [Video]

It’s really cold outside today here on the south shore of Montreal (QC, CA). Really, really cold. The temperature outside currently is at -13°F (-25°C), but when you add in the wind chill factor, it feels more like -29°F (-33°C). Since it rarely gets this cold, I decided to use the opportunity to show my […]