At 88 years old, Shirley Curry, better known as “Skyrim Grandma,” is stepping away from the gaming content that made her a beloved figure in the online gaming community. Starting in 2015, when she was 79, Shirley’s endearing Skyrim gameplay and gentle personality quickly garnered a massive following, amassing over a million subscribers on YouTube. Her warmth and authenticity resonated so strongly with fans that one of them even created a Skyrim mod, allowing players to recruit “Shirley” as a companion in-game.
However, in a heartfelt video posted yesterday, Curry announced she would no longer be producing gaming videos. She is preparing for eye surgery and, after her recovery, plans to focus on quieter pursuits like making quilts and simply enjoying her time. “I’m sick to death of it,” she explained, referring to the pressure to produce content.
But fear not, loyal followers—while there will be no more gaming videos, Shirley isn’t leaving YouTube entirely. She mentioned the possibility of reading aloud from Skyrim’s in-game books or even reading her own writing, chapter by chapter, should she decide to pen a book.
In her own signature style, Shirley signed off by addressing her community: “Bye-bye grandkids. All of you be good and I’ll talk to you later.” Shirley’s presence in the gaming world may be shifting, but her legacy and connection with her fans will remain a cherished part of the Skyrim community.